A standard appointment is 15 minutes. If you think you may need extra time, please ask the receptionist.

If you would like to discuss health issues of several family members, please make an appointment for each family member. One appointment, One patient ONLY.

Please be aware that you cannot discuss multiple health issues in a standard consultation.

Complex / Multiple health issues will require a longer appointment. Please call reception to arrange an appointment.

Some reasons for extra time (Extended consultations)

  • Multiple health issues
  • New patients
  • Insurance medicals
  • Superannuation/employment medicals
  • Psychological or counselling matters
  • Taxi, truck & bus licences.
  • Health assessments & GP Management Plans
  • Spirometry
  • Our staff will make every effort to ensure that the waiting time is kept to a minimum, however delays are sometimes unavoidable.

Please call 000 for an ambulance in an immediate life-threatening Emergency, such as:

  • Chest pain or chest tightness
  • Sudden numbness or paralysis of the face, arm or leg
  • Large burns
  • Serious accidents or trauma
  • Severe bleeding
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Extreme pain
  • Unconsciousness

After Hours
If you require medical attention after hours, weekends or public holidays please phone 83267199 for assistance. The call will be directly diverted to our locum service who provide home visits. These visits are bulk billed by the locum service

Cancelled Appointments
If you need to cancel your appointment, please notify the surgery at least 24 hours prior so that the appointment time can be reallocated.

New Patients
If you are new to our practice, contact us on 83267199 to arrange an appointment. The doctor may request a longer appointment for the first visit in order to obtain enough information for current health problems and related issues such as medical history, family history, immunisation records, allergy history and lifestyle. In addition, you will need to arrive 15 minutes prior to the appointment time to complete the New Patient Information Form before you see a Doctor.

Vaccinations and Injections
Vaccinations and injections are performed by a nurse. Please make sure to book an appointment with nurse as well as your regular GP.

Child Immunisations (2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 4 years) are conducted from 9:00 am to 3.30 pm on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and 9.00am to 12.30pm Tuesday and Thursday.

Our Billing Policy

From the 1st of July 2024 we will transition to Mixed Billing.  All new patients, including children, will be required to pay for their first consultation with us, even if they have a valid concession card.

We Bulk Bill:

  • Children under 16
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
  • Pension Card Holders
  • DVA GOLD Card Holders
  • Health Care Card Holders
  • Care Plans/ Health Assessments
  • Government Funded Vaccinations


All private payments will be required on the DAY OF CONSULTATION.

Medicare Rebates will be processed immediately after payment.

For enquiries, please contact 9791 7220.

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